Dwight was a member of the Harvard faculty from 1963 until his retirement in 1973. While at Harvard, Dwight was a Professor of Romance Languages and Literature as well as coordinator of language instruction in the Department of Languages and Literature. Thanks to the university, we have a formal photo of Dwight:

On May 31, 1964 he was honored by his alma mater, Washburn University in Topeka Kansas, with an honorary doctor of literature degree.
Part of the time Dwight was formally associated with Harvard, 1969-1970, was actually spent as a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Palo Alto, California.

The time Dwight spent at the Center must have been a welcome change. He could enjoy conversations with his colleagues and not have to worry about teaching or administrative duties. He could concentrate on thinking, reading, and writing. And nearby were the facilities of Stanford University Library. Sadly, in April 1970, during the time Dwight was at the Center, it was the target of a fire-bombing which destroyed one scholar’s life work, completely destroyed ten offices, and left most of the others damaged by smoke and water. Dwight was fortunate that he had most of his records at home.

Dwight and Louise rented a home in Palo Alto while he was a part of CASBS. That year probably made them realize that Palo Alto was where they would live after Dwight retired.
An informal photo, perhaps taken by Louise, follows:

It was in 1972, one year before his retirement, when Dwight was elected president of the Linguistic Society of America.
In the Memorial Minute adopted by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Feb. 15, 1994, the authors noted Dean Whitla’s recollection of Dwight’s “constant preoccupation with improving the Harvard Placement Test. It attained such a level of perfection under his supervision that since his retirement from Harvard in 1973 no one has felt the need to change it. It is still administered to our students as he left it.”